This is probably the earliest I have ever decided on something that I want to do for the New Year (or maybe it's really, really late for the last one, lol).
Yesterday Don, Josh & I sorted through the half-ton truck of yarn that we were gifted back in October - it looked like we were moving .... and it turns out that I need more of the big Rubbermaid containers to completely store it properly (we sorted them by colour and then labeled the containers, to, hopefully, make it easier to find the yarn I'm looking for). Charlotte told me that I could easily start a yarn store with the amount of yarn that is now in our house, lol.
My hope is that we will be able to use some of this yarn to make hats and mittens to send to Afghanistan - I have heard that it gets terribly cold there during the winter season .... we're just waiting to hear back from our contact there to see if it is okay for us to send the items to her.
Anyway, back to my resolution ..... my resolution, for the New Year (but starting now), is that I will only use yarn from my stash when I make projects (the only exception will be if a pattern calls for something that is not in my stash .... like wool for felted mittens, for example). I find it waaaayyyyyyyy to easy to just head down to the local Wal-Mart and buy some yarn for a project, without checking to see if I have what I need already - this should fit in quite nicely with my "Living Simpler" effort - I'll keep you posted on how I do in this venture. ˚Ü˚
Hey Becky, I miss you... Wow.... Yah we had to get rid of our yarn..... Hope to hear more...