Well, it's been quite a while since I've posted an update on what's been going on around here .... first off, one major change that's happened for me is I'm no longer working at the Drug Store - yep, it's true ... after 9 years of working there, I've finally decided to move on. Since the Doctors left our small town, business has slowed right down at the drug store, so, after much discussion and prayer I put in an application at Wal-Mart - at first, I didn't think I was going to get hired, but, after a few weeks I received a phone call and they hired me. It's been a lot of fun working there, I get waaaayyyyyyy more hours than I was getting at the drug store & there is room for advancement (which there wasn't at the drug store).
Let's see, what else has been happening ..... oh, yes, Josh got his drivers license this year and also purchased his own vehicle - he's loving the freedom that this provides him. Charlotte also got her learners license, so, we'll be having her practice driving the vehicles now (she's really keen on learning to drive a standard).
As many of you know, I've been hoping to get myself a 4 heddle table weaving loom - Don was checking out kijiji a few months ago and he found one & they only wanted $50 for it!!!!!! The gentleman that sold it had bought it for his wife 6 years ago and she never got in to weaving ..... it had been stored for all that time, so, she was a little (okay a lot) dirty, but she looks really, really good now. ˚Ü˚
Earlier this year we joined a group called Knight Haven - the description for the group is "an affordable way to time travel" ..... I take pictures for the group while Don, Josh & Charlotte do the battling (they use foam covered swords that have a fiberglass core) - some of the members wear chainmail, some wear leather armour and some wear plate armour .... but, they all have an excellent time battling each other as Normans/Celts/and Vikings. ˚Ü˚
Okay, that's a little sad ..... that's all I can think of, lol - well, I leave it at that for now & update more when I can remember more, lol. ˚Ü˚
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